Youth Mental Health First Aid

About 1 in 4 young people experience a mental illness each year.

The 14 hour Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training will teach you practical skills to support a young person experiencing a mental health crisis or a mental health problem.

MHFA courses are based on evidence of what is best practice mental health first aid to support someone who has a mental health problem or is experiencing a mental health crisis. 

Learn how to help someone who may be experiencing a mental health problem or a mental health crisis. 

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turning in to teen therapy

Learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems in young people, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation


Sometimes these symptoms can present themselves through uncharacteristic behaviours. Once recognised, it is important to understand what you can do to help, particularly if you have limited experience, confidence or don’t quite know how to access the support services available to you and to them. Participating in the course will enable you to respond to behaviours and seek further assistance if required.

Backed by evidence-based research, MHFA courses teach members of the public how to provide initial help to a person who is developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate professional help is received, or the crisis resolves.

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The 14-hours training course can be delivered in 1 of 3 ways:

Face-to-face: a 2-day Instructor led session.

Blended Face-to-face: Self‑paced eLearning followed by a full day or 2 half dayface‑to-face Instructor led session

Blended Online: Self-paced eLearning followed by a 3 x 2.5‑hour Instructor led video conferencing sessions


Want a private course? Get in touch to discuss your team or organisations needs or book into one of our available courses, group ticket prices available.

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‘’Marie did an excellent job of presenting a lot of information. She managed to keep it engaging and relevant. Her presentation style was really friendly and easy to listen to.’’

Past MHFA attendee

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‘’I really got quite a lot out of completing the course, I feel a lot more confident to assess and assist someone who is showing signs of deteriorating mental health.’’

Past MHFA attendee

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‘’Clear and accessible. Felt like a really safe space to learn. Marie felt trustworthy and knowledgeable and wise. Amazed at how she stayed so positive and kept the energy going for the entire two days.’’ Past MHFA attendee

Mental Health First Aid in Schools

As teachers or adults working with teenagers, it’s crucial to acknowledge the increasing recognition of the impact of mental health problems on students and their academic performance. Encouraging early intervention and support-seeking is one way to promote a mentally healthy classroom environment. This is where Youth Mental Health First Aid can be an invaluable resource for educators and other adults working with or living with teens.

The Youth Mental Health First Aid offers an evidence-based workshop designed for teachers, equipping them with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to support students who may be experiencing mental health issues. These courses enhance your mental health literacy and empower you to recognise warning signs, engage in empathetic conversations, and provide appropriate support to students and young people in need.

By participating in a Youth Mental Health First Aid course, you will gain the tools to create a safe and supportive space for students, fostering their emotional wellbeing. These skills enable you to better understand and assist teenagers facing mental health challenges, ensuring they receive the care and attention they require to thrive.


Don’t see dates available that suit you? or have a large team to train? I can come to you and run a private Youth Mental Health First Aid or other custom training, get in touch with me to find out how we can work together.

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